What do you need to know about cannabis candy?
A few minutes every morning is all you need.
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Do you like cannabis? Do you like candy? Then you’ll love cannabis candy.
As the legality of marijuana production and consumption continues to expand, so too do the methods by which cannabis enthusiasts partake. Joints, bongs, spliffs, blunts, Thai sticks, vaporizers, dabbing – they’re all becoming more and more popular as new consumers enter the market.
But all these methods require that you ingest the wacky weed by burning it and inhaling the smoke. What if you don’t want to smoke? What if you can’t smoke for various medical reasons? Are you left “not high” and dry? Thankfully, the answer is no. There is another option: cannabis candy.
We’re all familiar with the “special brownie,” but cannabis-infused edibles come in so many more varieties: cookies, drinks, pills, snacks, spreads, and even candies. Here are all the gooey details on this tasty treat.
Cannabis candy is an excellent alternative to smoking
As already mentioned, cannabis candy is a great alternative for those who can’t smoke or don’t want to smoke. Those on supplemental oxygen can still get the benefits of marijuana without the risk of explosion and death.
Similarly, patients suffering from eating disorders, digestive disorders and nausea due to chemotherapy can find relief from their symptoms by directly ingesting the low doses of cannabidiol (CBD) found in high-CBD/low-THC cannabis candy.
Another reason people choose to consume their cannabis via candy is that it’s more discreet. No smoke. No smell. No coughing. No open flame. You can get your fix wherever you are, whenever you want.
One interesting effect of getting your cannabis via candy – which many people prefer – is that the effects last for quite a bit longer than smoking. This is because the candy, and the cannabis it contains, must first be digested.
On the other hand, smoking/inhaling is a much faster process because the smoke moves directly through your lungs into your bloodstream without the need for intermediary steps.
Different types of cannabis candy
Variety is the spice of life, and consuming cannabis candy is no exception. Weed candy takes many forms. The most popular are lozenges (like Jolly Ranchers), lollipops (food on a stick is always better) and gum.
The type of candy you choose will depend on your situation. The lozenge is the most discreet for office workers, class attendees, and those concerned about appearances. At other times, a nice lollipop or piece of gum can really liven up a slow afternoon.
Edibles for the 21st century
Advances in cannabis technology have yielded some pretty cool stoner stuff. But few reach the level of nanoencapsulated THC. Too much of a mouthful for you? Just call it Nanobidiol™ for short.
Nanobidiol is made using a cutting-edge process that minimizes each THC molecule and then surrounds it with a special membrane that gives the THC some pretty unique qualities. Nanobidiol is not only smaller than regular THC, but it’s also more water-soluble. This decrease in size and increase in water solubility makes the THC more bioavailable.
That means you’ll feel the head high in 2-10 minutes (six times faster than other cannabis candy on the market). So you won’t have to wait an hour or more as you do with other edibles.
What are the impacts of edibles on your system?
The impacts of cannabis candy on your system can be thought of in terms of speed and duration.
Smoking your marijuana is like a drag race; its effects are felt almost immediately, but they’re over just as quickly. Cannabis candy is like a NASCAR race; the experience, though still enjoyable, takes anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour to get going. In addition, the effects of marijuana candy tend to last quite a bit longer (from 2-6 hours) because the cannabidiol is slowly digested in the stomach.
Who can benefit from marijuana candy?
The benefits of cannabis candy are wide-ranging. Individuals suffering from both acute and chronic disorders can find relief inside a marijuana candy.
Those suffering from chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, insomnia, nausea, muscle inflammation, nervous system disorders and muscle spasms can benefit from how marijuana candy is processed into the body.
Individuals who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn’s disease benefit especially from marijuana candy and other edibles. This is because Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Marijuana candy can deliver cannabinoids directly to the site of the illness and provide much-needed relief.
Are there any quality concerns with marijuana candy?
Quality is always a concern when it comes to marijuana. Whether you get your fix by smoking or ingesting, you should at least verify the quality of the product you’re consuming. As it applies to cannabis candy, it’s essential to keep a few simple things in mind.
Currently, there is no regulatory agency in place for marijuana candy. Unfortunately, this means that there is no way to ensure the same commercial food-prep standards that apply elsewhere.
This can mean that trace amounts of allergens (gluten, nuts, pet dander, lactose) can find their way into the marijuana candy. Significant problems can occur for people allergic to these things and interfere with the healing effects that marijuana candy offers.
Similarly, there is no way to determine the quality of the cannabis used in the candy. Because the cannabis is hidden in the mix, it’s very easy for candy companies to dispose of reject marijuana that can’t be sold for smoking.
It’s not always possible, but purchasing a marijuana candy that has been lab-tested for potency and contaminants is preferable. At the very least, it’s important to get your marijuana candy from a trusted source.
The local dispensary that you’ve frequented for a number of years is a good place to start. If they don’t already sell marijuana candy, they might be able to find a reputable supplier.
Where to start
If you’ve never tried cannabis candy before, we suggest that you purchase a piece or two from a trusted source and see what you think. If you like the taste and the effects it produces, you could then try cooking up your own batch of marijuana candy.
As with every other method of cannabis consumption, the important thing is that you enjoy the ride. So don’t stress about whether oral uptake is better than gastrointestinal or pulmonary. Instead, just try a variety of delivery systems and go with your favorite.
The best candy comes from high-quality cannabis
Marijuana candy can come from any strain and be of any quality. It can be headies, beasters, mids or regs of Blue Dream, Chemdog, Yoda OG, Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies or any of the more than 700 existing strains.
The best cannabis candy, however, comes from high-quality, organic buds. For a truly righteous weed candy experience, we recommend only using a high-quality variety (headies or beasters) of your favorite strain. It will make the experience so much better.
With a good quality organic strain, you’ll need less candy to experience the same effects. A little will go a long way.
You may have to pay a bit more for cannabis candy made from a high-quality extract, but you’ll be much happier with how you feel when you use it.
So don’t settle for an inferior marijuana candy. Get some made from the best buds on the planet and experience cannabis and candy the way it was meant to be.
This article was contributed by Anthony Franciosi, also known as Ant. Franciosi is the founder of Honest Marijuana Co., an all-natural, completely organic marijuana grower in Colorado.
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