Check out our men’s fashion guide on how to dress in your 30s

Check out our men’s fashion guide on how to dress in your 30s
Photo by Terje Sollie on

Knowing how to dress in your 30s may not come naturally to everyone. Your 30s are very confusing, fashion-wise and otherwise. You’re no longer a youngster, but not an old guy either. To fit into the in-between world, you need to develop a classy and elegant style that will make you look fashionable yet responsible – a true business partner or husband material (depends on what you’re aiming for). If you’re bad at dressing up, here are a few tips on how to dress in your 30s that will help you look sharp.

Get rid of junk

Your body has changed, and that’s a fact you can confirm by revisiting your older pieces of clothing. If something doesn’t fit just right (it’s not the right size, it shrunk or you’ve grown out of the style), donate or recycle it right away to remove the temptation of wearing it. Once you clear out some space, you can start adding smart pieces that will help you build your style.

Form your fashion identity

By now, you’ve probably realized what you feel good in, but also what allows you to fit into your business setting and friend circle. There’s no need to forget about experimentation forever, but you probably know whether you prefer jeans, chinos or slacks, dress shirts or sweaters and hoodies. Establish a few favorite garments that your friends and colleagues know you for. These can be old, but if you repair them regularly, they can be your comforting touchstone for years.

Visit a tailor

There’s no better luxury than custom-tailored clothing, even when we’re talking about casual garments. You might not be able to afford custom-made things all the time, but you should at least have a trusted tailor so they can quickly adjust off-the-rack pieces to fit you better. As your peers continue to elevate their style, tailoring your clothes can help you stay ahead. Plus, your body will look better than ever.

Focus on quality

When considering how to dress in your 30s, you need to start adopting a quality-over-quantity mentality. We’ve established that you have all your wardrobe staples present in your closet, so there’s no need to fill it with pieces you “sort-of like.” Also, when you were younger, you might not have been able to afford more expensive pieces. But in your 30s, you can reach for high-quality materials that will look exclusive, hold their shape and stay in style for longer. Quality clothing is also more pleasant to wear, so you will always feel comfortable and confident, no matter if you’re going on a first date or interviewing for a new position.

Don’t forget about accessories, but…

To show the world that you’re a responsible adult who knows what he’s doing with his life, you need to pay attention to your accessories. It’s no longer acceptable to carry a wad of cash in your jeans pocket when leaving the house. Now that you have credit cards and business cards, as well as some loose cash, you should consider something like an elegant carbon wallet to carry all your necessities. This type of wallet can hold up to 12 cards, and its money clip can hold substantial cash. Additionally, it’s slim and practical yet unique, and it will help you to stand out. Pay the same type of attention to other accessories like scarves, glasses and watches.

…stock up on essentials

You’ve probably done a lot of fashion experimenting in high school and college, and by now, you must have some brands and labels preferences. Brands that fit your body and match your style should always be held at hand, so you can rely on them when you don’t know what to put on. And don’t be afraid to invest in multiple pieces of essentials. You might think it’s boring always to wear the same labels, but knowing what works for you and staying loyal to it is a boss move.

Get the right shoes

Shoes have incredible transformative powers. For instance, imagine a guy in bluejeans, a white T-shirt and tennis shoes – he probably looks like someone in a midlife crisis. Now imagine the same guy wearing distressed leather boots – this guy is a style icon.

Shoes can change your whole look and vibe. Guys usually think they can get away with only three pairs of shoes, but if that’s the case, they need to be perfect, so it’s easier to match and dress smart if you have more variety. To fill your shoe closet with the right pieces, think black leather shoes for formal events, loafers for more casual events, boots for even more casual events and chill social gatherings. White sneakers are a classic, so don’t ditch them altogether; just learn how to pair them in an adult way.

Once you get deeper into fashion, you’ll see that looking sophisticated doesn’t have to be that hard. Of course, there’s more to it than these aforementioned tips, but this guide on how to dress in your 30s is a great start for now until you get used to your elegant new look.

This article was contributed by Lilly Miller, a graphic designer and a passionate writer who loves everything about home décor, art history and baking. Lilly shares her home with two loving dogs and a gecko named Rodney.

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