Lamma Island Family Trail – an easy trail to explore Lamma Island

One of the best ways to discover every side of Lamma Island is by taking the Lamma Island Family Trail.

Lamma Island Family Trail – an easy trail to explore Lamma Island
Source: Hong Kong Tourism Board

Hiking on Lamma Island offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural charm, making it a fave for outdoor enthusiasts in Hong Kong. The island's trails range from leisurely paths to more challenging routes, so there's a variety of adventures to be found while exploring the island. One of the best ways to discover every side of Lamma Island is by taking the Lamma Island Family Trail. Ideal for groups of friends and families looking for a low-key hike, this easy-to-follow trail meanders through the island's stunning beaches, charming villages and lush greenery. Read on for a how-to guide on taking this trail so you know what to expect on your adventure.

Highlights of Lamma Island Family Trail

The Lamma Island Family Trail stretches about 5 kilometers, connecting the two main villages of Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan. Starting from Yung Shue Wan, hikers can enjoy the bustling yet laid-back vibe of the vibrant village, known for its seafood restaurants, cafes and local shops. As you continue, the trail takes you through picturesque beaches like Hung Shing Yeh Beach, perfect for a relaxing break or a quick swim.

The path then winds through shaded forests and open hillsides, offering panoramic views of the South China Sea and surrounding islands. As you approach Sok Kwu Wan, the trail passes through traditional fishing villages, where you can catch a glimpse of the island's cultural heritage and enjoy fresh seafood.

What to expect

  • Duration: The hike typically takes about 1.5 - 2 hours to complete, depending on your pace and the number of stops you make along the way.
  • Difficulty: This trail is considered easy, with well-maintained paths and gentle slopes, making it suitable for hikers of all ages and fitness levels.
  • Best time to visit: The best time to hike the Lamma Island Family Trail is during the cooler months from October to April. Early mornings or late afternoons are ideal for avoiding the midday heat.

How to get to Lamma Island

There are various ways you can get to Lamma Island from the city, making it super convenient and easy. Here are the routes:

From Central 

  • Take the ferry from Central Pier No. 4. The ferries go to either Sok Kwu Wan or Yueng Shue Wan. 
  • You can also take the Rainbow Seafood Restaurant ferry, which takes customers to their restaurant at Yung Shue Wan for free. 
  • Ferries to Yung Shue Wan leave every 30 minutes and costs HK$16 per person. Ferries to Sok Kwu Wan leave every 2 hours and costs HK$19 per person. 

From Aberdeen

  • Take the ferry from the Aberdeen Fishing Village, which operates once every 90 minutes. 
  • Tickets cost HK$11 per person on weekdays and HK$16 on the weekends. 

The Rainbow Seafood Restaurant Ferry

  • Lamma Rainbow provides a free ferry service for its customers leaving from Central or Tsim Sha Tsui.
  • The ferry takes customers directly to their restaurant at Sok Kwun Wan.
  • To take the free ferry, you must make a reservation first by phone, email or through the website to board the ferry with no charge. 

What to know about Lamma Island Family Walk

Starting from Yung Shue Wan

  • Yung Shue Wan ferry pier: After arriving at the pier, make your way to Yung Shue Wan Main Street. Follow the path along the sides, leading towards Hung Shing Yeh Beach and onward to Sok Kwu Wan.
  • Path highlights: As you walk, you’ll pass charming cafes, seafood restaurants and local shops. Hung Shing Yeh Beach is perfect for a relaxing break or a quick swim before continuing your journey.

Starting from Sok Kwu Wan

  • Sok Kwu Wan ferry pier: Upon exiting the pier, head towards Sok Kwu Wan First Street. This path takes you through a variety of seafood restaurants, including the popular Rainbow Seafood Restaurant, marking the start of your adventure.
  • Path highlights: The trail leads past several scenic spots, including Lo So Shing Beach, hidden among lush trees, and Power Station Beach, located near Lamma Island’s Power Station.

Along the trail

  • Beaches: Take time to enjoy picturesque beaches, such as Lo So Shing Beach and Power Station Beach, both offering unique views and photo opportunities.
  • Villages: Explore the quaint villages along the way. Visit Wang Long Village to see its library or try the popular tofu desserts at Kin Hing. Tai Yuen and Sha Po villages feature an array of shops and restaurants, which are perfect for quick refueling and experiencing local culture.
  • Historical sites: Don’t miss Kamikaze Cave, a World War II hideout for Japanese forces who used it to harbor speedboats for attacks on Allied warships.

Trail overview

  • Distance: 5 kilometers
  • Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours (not including breaks)
  • Difficulty: Beginner-friendly with minimal climbing
  • Scenery: The trail offers a scenic and culturally rich hiking experience with stunning views of the South China Sea and the island’s natural beauty.

What to prepare for a hike on Lamma Island Family Trail

Before you hit the trail, here are a few things you shouldn't forget: 

  • Ample water 
  • Snacks 
  • Cold drinks 
  • Extra clothing 
  • Sun protection gear (sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses) 
  • Insect repellent