Where to find counseling centers for mental and emotional health support in Hong Kong If you're looking for a mental health check-up, these counseling centers around Hong Kong are here to help.
How smartphone addiction is impacting Hong Kong Hong Kong is addicted to smartphones, and people in the city know it.
The New Normal Hong Kong – breaking the stigma around mental health through acceptance, understanding and unity Through peer support meetings, TNN is leading the charge to break the stigma surrounding mental health in Hong Kong.
Mental health in Hong Kong – Where are we now? Mental Health Awareness Month is all about raising awareness and keeping mental health on our radar.
An inside look at Hong Kong’s Phenomenally Pink and Joint Dynamics’ women's health afternoon The goal was clear: to enhance awareness, encourage early detection and promote proactive health measures among women.
Hong Kong charity TNN cycles to raise awareness around mental health TNN's peer support groups provide a secure environment for open discussion in both Cantonese and English.
New World is piloting a mental health program, and it may just set a benchmark for other Hong Kong companies Some say that New World could set a benchmark for other companies in the city to prioritize mental health at work.